Five key findings from the 2022 UN Population ProspectsExplore the key highlights from the UN’s latest release of its world population estimates.By Hannah Ritchie, Edouard Mathieu, Lucas Rodés-Guirao and Marcel Gerber — July 11, 2022
We just published our new Population and Demography Data ExplorerExplore data on population, fertility rates, life expectancy, deaths and other demographic data across the world.By Lucas Rodés-Guirao, Marcel Gerber, Edouard Mathieu and Hannah Ritchie — July 11, 2022
Guinea worm disease is close to being eradicated – how was this progress achieved?In the late 1980s, there were near a million new cases of guinea worm disease recorded worldwide. In 2021, there were only 15. How was this achieved?By Saloni Dattani and Fiona Spooner — July 07, 2022
We just published our Democracy Data ExplorerExplore the world’s political systems with the leading approaches of measuring democracy.By Bastian Herre and Marcel Gerber — July 05, 2022
How does the land use of different electricity sources compare?All energy production takes up land, but which sources use the most land, and which use it most efficiently?By Hannah Ritchie — June 16, 2022
We need more testing to eradicate polio worldwideThe world is close to eradicating polio, but has been set back in the last few years. To achieve the goal of global eradication, it's crucial to improve testing.By Saloni Dattani and Fiona Spooner — June 09, 2022
Millions of children learn only very little. How can the world provide a better education to the next generation?Research suggests that many children – especially in the world’s poorest countries – learn only very little in school. What can we do to improve this?By Max Roser — June 01, 2022
Ending our COVID-19 testing data updatesAs of 23 June 2022, we will no longer add new data points to our COVID-19 testing dataset. We will continue updates of all other metrics in our COVID-19 dataset.By Edouard Mathieu, Cameron Appel and Lucas Rodés-Guirao — May 31, 2022
After millennia of agricultural expansion, the world has passed ‘peak agricultural land’The world produces more food than ever, but the amount of land we use is now falling. This means we can feed more people while restoring wild habitat.By Hannah Ritchie — May 30, 2022
We just published a data explorer on the Monkeypox outbreakExplore the latest reported data on the 2022 Monkeypox outbreak, produced by the team.By Edouard Mathieu, Saloni Dattani and Hannah Ritchie — May 24, 2022
What is the lifetime risk of depression?Depression is one of the world’s most common health conditions. It's estimated that one-in-three women and one-in-five men have an episode of major depression by the age of 65.By Saloni Dattani — May 18, 2022
What share of people say they are vegetarian, vegan, or flexitarian?Most people still eat some meat, but surveys suggest that many are adopting a diet with less animal products.By Edouard Mathieu and Hannah Ritchie — May 13, 2022
The largest mammals have always been at the greatest risk of extinction – this is still the case todayHumans hunted many of the world’s large mammals to extinction. This threat still exists today, but it doesn’t have to be that way.By Hannah Ritchie — May 09, 2022
We just did our annual update of global Polio dataThe world is close to eradicating polio. Explore the latest data on polio cases in 2021.By Saloni Dattani and Fiona Spooner — April 28, 2022
Humans destroyed forests for thousands of years — we can become the first generation that achieves a world in which forests expandWhy has humanity destroyed such vast forests? And how can we bring this to an end?By Max Roser — April 20, 2022
We just published our IPCC Climate Scenario ExplorerExplore the assumptions of global shared socioeconomic pathways used in IPCC scenarios.By Hannah Ritchie — April 13, 2022
We just did our annual update of global electricity dataExplore how electricity sources changed across the world in 2021.By Pablo Rosado and Hannah Ritchie — April 11, 2022
War in UkraineExplore our data and resources which are relevant context for the war in Ukraine.By Hannah Ritchie, Edouard Mathieu and Max Roser — April 07, 2022
At what age do people experience depression for the first time?People are being diagnosed with depression at an earlier age than in the past because of increased openness to mental health disorders and improved diagnostic guidelines.By Saloni Dattani — April 07, 2022
Increasing agricultural productivity across Sub-Saharan Africa is one of the most important problems this centuryAgricultural productivity across Sub-Saharan Africa needs to improve to reduce hunger, poverty, and the destruction of biodiversity.By Hannah Ritchie — April 04, 2022
How could the war in Ukraine impact global food supplies?Both Ukraine and Russia are some of the world’s largest food exporters. How could global food be impacted?By Hannah Ritchie — March 24, 2022