Countries reporting progress in multi-stakeholder development
effectiveness monitoring frameworks in support of the SDGs, 2018

Multi-stakeholder development effectiveness monitoring frameworks are those whose indicators have been agreed on avoluntary basis; where indicators measure the strength of the relationship between development actors; and where datacollection and review are led by countries themselves with participation from relevant stakeholders representing the public andprivate sectors and civil society organizations.

RecipientsRecipientsLeast Developed Countries (LDCs)20Sub-Saharan Africa (UN)17Small Island Developing States (SIDS)10Oceania (UN)5Eastern and South-Eastern Asia (UN)3Latin America and the Caribbean (UN)3Central and Southern Asia (UN)3Northern Africa (UN)2Europe (UN)2ProvidersProvidersEurope (UN)12Eastern and South-Eastern Asia (UN)3Latin America and the Caribbean (UN)1Northern America (UN)1Oceania (UN)1

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Countries reporting progress in multi-stakeholder development effectiveness monitoring frameworks in support of the SDGs

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