Area of land needed to meet global vegetable oil demand, World, 2021

This metric represents the amount of land needed to grow a given crop if it was to meet global vegetable oil demandalone.

3.19 billion ha1.9 billion ha1.72 billion ha1.03 billion ha771.22 million ha529.78 million ha397.97 million ha340.95 million ha83.59 million haSesame oilCottonseed oilGroundnut oilCoconut oilOlive oilSoybean oilSunflower oilRapeseed oilPalm oil

Data source: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (2023)Learn more about this data

Note: Based on oil production and area harvested data. Maximum yields can vary depending on the ratio of oil production to co-products(e.g. what fraction of soybeans or coconuts are used for oil production).

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Area of land needed to meet global vegetable oil demand

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