Annual growth of the income or consumption of the poorest 40% vs. the
total population

The growth rate is calculated between two household surveys – the most recent survey available in 2022 and a survey fallingapproximately five years earlier. In countries below the dotted line, income or consumption growth is higher for the poorest 40%of the population than the national average.

Growth rate among the bottom 40%-5%0%5%10%Growth rate among the total population0%ArgentinaArgentinaChinaChinaEgyptEgyptIndonesiaIndonesiaIranIranMyanmarMyanmarPakistanPakistanPolandPolandRomaniaRomaniaZimbabweZimbabweAfricaAsiaEuropeNorth AmericaOceaniaSouth America1.4B1.4BCircles sized byPopulation(historical)

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    Annual growth of the income or consumption of the poorest 40% vs. the total population

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