Daily Data InsightsHuman rights have improved in all world regions over the last century

Human rights have improved in all world regions over the last century

Line chart showing that human rights have improved in all world regions. The progress has not been steady, there have been setbacks, and big differences between regions have continued. Human rights are less protected in Africa and Asia than other parts of the world.

Human rights are much better protected in all world regions than a century ago, according to data by Varieties of Democracy.

This recently updated chart shows an index that captures human rights. The index ranges from 0 (least rights) to 1 (most). As you can see, every world region scored significantly higher in 2023 than 100 years ago.

Although progress has not been steady, and there have been setbacks — including in recent years — the overall improvements have been substantial. These trends remain when giving more weight to countries with larger populations.

While progress has been made in all world regions, there are still big disparities across them, with Africa and Asia lagging behind. And the strong protections on other continents show that further global progress is possible.

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