Daily Data InsightsChile produced 9.4% of its primary energy from solar in 2023 — the highest in any country that year

Chile produced 9.4% of its primary energy from solar in 2023 — the highest in any country that year

Chart shows the share of primary energy consumption from solar energy from 2000 to 2023, measured as a percentage of primary energy using the substitution method. It highlights that Chile, Spain, and Australia have seen the most significant increases, particularly after 2015, with Chile leading by 2023. China, the United States, and the global average have also increased but at a slower pace. The data source is the Energy Institute’s Statistical Review of World Energy (2024).

According to the Energy Institute’s Statistical Review of World Energy, in 2023, Chile produced 9.4% of its primary energy from solar sources, the highest share in any country. When we look at electricity alone, solar produced 20% of the total.

This marks a trend of continued year-on-year growth in a country that, just a decade earlier, generated almost no electricity from solar.

Chile's growth has been faster than that of other solar champions like Spain and Australia, where the adoption of these technologies started earlier.

Much of Chile's solar energy is captured in the Atacama Desert. This region, in Northern Chile, receives the highest level of sunlight exposure in the world and is home to Latin America’s first solar thermal plant.

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