Daily Data InsightsRoad deaths in the United Kingdom have fallen by three-quarters since 1970

Road deaths in the United Kingdom have fallen by three-quarters since 1970

Line chart showing a decline in road deaths in the UK since 1970. This has fallen from 8,000 to less than 2,000.

The number of people dying in road accidents in the United Kingdom has fallen by around three-quarters since 1970.

The chart shows the number of road deaths over time, based on data from the OECD, which we just updated. This includes the deaths of pedestrians, drivers, passengers, and cyclists.

In the early 1970s, there were around 8,000 road deaths per year. This has dropped below 2,000 in recent years. Deaths reached a low in 2020 due to reduced traffic from the COVID-19 pandemic but have rebounded slightly since then.

This multi-decade decline is even steeper when we look at the number of deaths per kilometer driven.

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