Daily Data InsightsIn which countries do people drink the most alcohol?

In which countries do people drink the most alcohol?

world map showing alcohol consumption per person for 2019, version for mobile

Romania tops the list of countries with the highest alcohol consumption per person, with Georgia, Czechia, Latvia, and Germany rounding out the top five. This is according to the global estimates made available by the World Health Organization (WHO), the latest data referring to 2019.

Alcohol consumption is measured here in liters of pure alcohol to account for beer, wine, and spirits having different alcohol content, ranging from around 5% by volume for a typical beer to 12% for wine to 40% or more for spirits.

To make this more concrete, the average Romanian drinks an estimated 17 liters of pure alcohol per year — roughly equivalent to a weekly consumption of 18 bottles of beer (355 mL each) or 3.6 bottles of wine (750 mL each).

In contrast, alcohol consumption is very low in some countries, particularly in the Middle East and North Africa.

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