
Wellcome supports Our World in Data to expand work on global health

The landmark, seven-year collaboration will allow us to widen our analysis on key topics.

With a seven-year funding arrangement from Wellcome, Our World in Data will expand the exciting work we are delivering in global health data, including mental health, infectious diseases, and climate & health.

Working with Wellcome and experts in many fields — including climate science, infectious disease, genetics, psychiatry, and political science — Our World in Data will apply cross-disciplinary analysis to these issues.

We have agreed on four key focus areas for the project’s first stage:

Infectious diseases

Antimicrobial resistance, neglected tropical diseases, and the global distributions of disease vectors.

Climate and health

The fatal and non-fatal impacts of air pollution on health, heat & mortality, and the effects of climate on crop yields and agriculture.

Mental health

Mental health research funding and historical progress in treating psychosis.


The changing cost of genome sequencing over time, global capacity for genomic testing and sequencing, missing data in genomics, and the potential of genomic data to improve health.

As always, the results of this work will be freely available for anyone to take, explore, and reuse under our permissive Creative Commons license.

In response to the grant, Esteban Ortiz-Ospina, the co-director of Our World in Data, said:

Emerging infectious diseases, millions of people suffering from mental health challenges, and the health impacts of climate change — the world today faces immense global health challenges. This funding from Wellcome will have a significant impact, allowing us to make data and research accessible and understandable to empower those working towards solving these challenges.

Tariq Khokhar, Wellcome’s Head of Data for Science and Health, said:

We’re delighted to support the Our World in Data team, who are leading experts in making rigorous, scientific knowledge accessible to a wide range of influential audiences. From decision-makers to journalists to campaigners, it’s critical that those in a position to act on urgent global health issues can access digestible and accurate information to make informed decisions.

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