Daily Data InsightsFunding to study neglected tropical diseases and develop new technologies is very limited

Funding to study neglected tropical diseases and develop new technologies is very limited

This chart, titled "Annual research & development funding for neglected tropical diseases, 2022," shows the total annual funding reported for research and development to address various neglected tropical diseases (indicated in blue), as compared to HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria, and COVID-19 (indicated in purple).

The data source is Policy Cures Research (2023), and the values are expressed in constant 2022 US dollars. The chart highlights the following funding amounts:

COVID-19: $4.22 billion
HIV/AIDS: $1.35 billion
Tuberculosis: $702.43 million
Malaria: $603.53 million
Dengue: $81.83 million
Chagas disease: $42.71 million
Schistosomiasis: $38.88 million
Leishmaniasis: $37.81 million, and more.

This chart shows the amount of annual funding for research and development (R&D) to understand, treat, and develop technologies against neglected tropical diseases (NTDs). This data comes from Policy Cures Research’s G-FINDER project.

Less than $100 million is spent on R&D for most NTDs, despite millions of people being affected by these diseases —  which include dengue, leishmaniasis, and trachoma.

Without funding, it’s very difficult to develop new medicines, vaccines, and technologies to reduce suffering and disability for the millions of people affected by these diseases.

We know that effective funding works. Large public health initiatives have helped fund research against HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria, and COVID-19 and have saved millions of lives.

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