Daily Data InsightsCOVID-19 raised respiratory infection death rates to levels not seen in many decades

COVID-19 raised respiratory infection death rates to levels not seen in many decades

The chart shows the death rates from respiratory infections in various countries since 1950.
The data comes from the WHO Mortality Database, which compiles data on causes of death from each country. The data typically comes with a few years of delay since it needs to be standardized.
It allows us to look back to see the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic from a historical perspective.
As you can see, there has been a long-run decline in respiratory infection death rates. This is due to factors such as improved sanitation, healthcare, and vaccination for diseases such as influenza, tuberculosis, and pertussis.
But during the pandemic, respiratory infection death rates surged massively, and surpassed levels from decades ago.

The chart shows the death rates from respiratory infections in countries since 1950.

Data comes from the WHO Mortality Database, which compiles data reported by each country. The data typically comes with a few years of delay since it needs to be standardized.

It helps us to look back and see the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic from a historical perspective.

As you can see, there has been a long-run decline in respiratory infection death rates. This is due to improved sanitation, healthcare, and vaccination against diseases such as influenza, tuberculosis, and pertussis.

But during the pandemic, death rates from respiratory infections surged massively due to COVID-19 and reached levels not seen in many decades.

Explore the data on respiratory infection death rates for other countries

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