Hong Kong
Below are all indicators in our database for which this country has a value.
- (2023)
- Access to justice for menRegimes of the World(2023)
- Access to justice for womenRegimes of the World(2023)
- (2021)
- (2021)
- (2023)
- (2021)
- (2021)
- (2023)
- (2019)
- (2021)
- (2016)
- (2016)
- (2022)
- (2022)
- (2022)
- (2022)
- (2022)
- (2022)
- Annual GDP growthWorld Bank(2021)
- (2022)
- (2020)
- (2023)
- (2023)
- (2023)
- (2023)
- (2023)
- (2023)
- (2023)
- (2023)
- (2023)
- (2023)
- (2023)
- (2023)
- Annual growth of GDP per capitaWorld Bank(2022)
- (2022)
- (2021)
- (2021)
- (2021)
- (2021)
- (2021)
- (2020)
- (2019)
- (2019)
- (2019)
- (2019)
- (2022)
- (2023)
- (2023)
- (2023)
- (2023)
- (2023)
- (2023)
- (2023)
- (2023)
- (2023)
- (2017)
- (2020)
- (2021)
- (2021)
- (2021)
- (2020)
- (2020)
- (2021)
- (2016)
- (2016)
- (2020)
- (2020)
- Average years of schoolingPrados de la Escosura(2020)
- (2022)
- (2022)
- (2022)
- (2021)
- (2022)
- (2023)
- (2017)
- (2017)
- (2017)
- (2016)
- (2020)
- (2021)
- (2021)
- (2022)
- (2022)
- (2022)
- (2022)
- (2022)
- (2022)
- (2017)
- (2022)
- (2022)
- (2023)
- Child homicide rateWHO Mortality Database(2017)
- Child mortality rateUN WPP(2023)
- Chronic respiratory diseases death rateWHO Mortality Database, age-standardized(2017)
- (2023)
- Civil liberties ratingFreedom House(2023)
- Civil liberties scoreFreedom House(2023)
- (2023)
- (2023)
- Coal productionLong-run series(2016)
- (2016)
- (2021)
- (2017)
- (2021)
- (2023)
- (2022)
- (2022)
- (2021)
- (2021)
- (2022)
- (2022)
- (2022)
- (2018)
- (2021)
- (2021)
- (2021)
- (2023)
- (2017)
- (2017)
- (2021)
- (2023)
- (2023)
- (2023)
- (2022)
- (2022)
- (2022)
- (2022)
- (2022)
- (2022)
- (2024)
- (2021)
- (2021)
- (2022)
- (2021)
- (2021)
- (2021)
- (2021)
- (2023)
- (2023)
- Death rate from cancerWHO Mortality Database, age-standardized, reported(2017)
- Death rate from cardiovascular diseasesWHO Mortality Database, age-standardized, reported(2017)
- Death rate from cardiovascular diseasesWHO Mortality Database, crude, reported(2017)
- (2017)
- Death rate from digestive diseasesWHO Mortality Database, age-standardized(2017)
- (2017)
- (2023)
- (2023)
- (2023)
- (2023)
- Democratic electoral institutionsFreedom House(2023)
- (2023)
- (2019)
- (2019)
- (2023)
- (2023)
- (2020)
- (2023)
- (2023)
- (2022)
- (2022)
- (2023)
- Electoral democracyRegimes of the World(2023)
- (2023)
- (2023)
- (2023)
- (2022)
- (2023)
- (2022)
- (2022)
- (2022)
- (2023)
- (2022)
- (2023)
- (2023)
- (2021)
- (2021)
- (2021)
- (2021)
- Energy intensityWorld Bank(2020)
- (2022)
- (2023)
- (2023)
- (2023)
- (2023)
- (2023)
- (2023)
- (2023)
- (2014)
- (2022)
- (2020)
- (2013)
- (2016)
- Female employment-to-population ratioNational estimates(2022)
- Female employment-to-population ratioModeled estimates(2022)
- Female homicide rateUNODC(2021)
- (2021)
- (2022)
- Fertility rate: children per womanGapminder(2024)
- (2023)
- Fertility rate: children per womanWorld Bank(2021)
- (2014)
- (2020)
- (2020)
- (2021)
- (2021)
- (2018)
- Flu vaccination coverage in older peopleWHO/UNICEF(2021)
- (2022)
- (2022)
- (2022)
- (2023)
- (2022)
- Fossil fuel consumptionBy country(2023)
- (2023)
- (2020)
- (2020)
- (2020)
- Free and fair electionsRegimes of the World(2023)
- (2023)
- (2023)
- (2023)
- (2021)
- (2023)
- GDP per capitaPenn World Table, constant international-$(2019)
- GDP per capitaWorld Bank, constant international-$(2022)
- GDP per capitaWorld Bank, constant US$(2022)
- GDP per capitaMaddison Project Database, constant international-$(2022)
- GDP per capitaPrados de la Escosura(2020)
- (2022)
- (2022)
- (2023)
- (2016)
- (2016)
- (2022)
- (2023)
- (2023)
- (2023)
- (2019)
- (2019)
- (2020)
- (2022)
- (2022)
- (2022)
- (2022)
- (2022)
- (2022)
- (2020)
- (2022)
- (2022)
- (2015)
- Gross domestic product (GDP)Penn World Table, constant international-$(2019)
- Gross domestic product (GDP)World Bank, constant US$(2022)
- Gross domestic product (GDP)World Bank, constant international-$(2022)
- Gross domestic product (GDP)Maddison Project Database, constant international-$(2022)
- (2020)
- (2022)
- (2022)
- (2022)
- Gross national income (GNI) per capitaWorld Bank(2022)
- (2022)
- (2021)
- (2022)
- (2022)
- (2015)
- Homicide rateUNODC(2021)
- Homicide rateWHO Mortality Database(2017)
- Homicide rateWHO Mortality Database, Age-standardized(2017)
- (2021)
- HomicidesUNODC(2021)
- HomicidesWHO Mortality Database(2017)
- Homicides by firearmUNODC(2021)
- (2022)
- (2023)
- (2023)
- (2020)
- (2013)
- (2021)
- (2022)
- (2022)
- (2022)
- (2022)
- (2022)
- (2022)
- (2023)
- (2017)
- (2020)
- Infant mortality rateUN WPP(2023)
- Infectious and parasitic diseases death rateWHO Mortality Database, age-standardized(2017)
- (2022)
- (2021)
- (2021)
- (2022)
- (2022)
- (2021)
- (2022)
- (2022)
- (2022)
- (2022)
- (2022)
- (2022)
- (2022)
- (2019)
- (2019)
- (2023)
- (2023)
- (2020)
- (2022)
- (2022)
- (2022)
- (2022)
- (2023)
- (2022)
- Liberal democracyRegimes of the World(2023)
- (2023)
- Liberal political institutionsRegimes of the World(2023)
- (2023)
- Life expectancyover the long-run(2021)
- Life expectancyUN WPP data(2023)
- Life expectancyPrados de la Escosura(2020)
- Life expectancyUNDP(2022)
- Life expectancyHMD, UN WPP(2021)
- (2024)
- (2023)
- (2023)
- (2024)
- (2021)
- (2021)
- (2017)
- (2024)
- (2023)
- (2023)
- (2017)
- Male homicide rateUNODC(2021)
- (2021)
- (2021)
- (2017)
- (2016)
- (2016)
- Meaningful democratic electoral institutionsRegimes of the World(2023)
- (2022)
- (2021)
- (2022)
- (2021)
- (2022)
- (2022)
- (2022)
- (2022)
- (2022)
- (2022)
- Multi-party electionsRegimes of the World(2023)
- Multi-party elections for government's chief executiveRegimes of the World(2023)
- Multi-party elections for legislatureRegimes of the World(2023)
- (2019)
- (2020)
- (2022)
- (2022)
- (2020)
- (2021)
- (2020)
- (2014)
- (2022)
- (2016)
- (2023)
- (2021)
- (2019)
- (2022)
- (2021)
- Number of deathsUnited Nations(2023)
- Number of infant deathsUN WPP(2023)
- (2019)
- (2020)
- (2019)
- (2022)
- (2022)
- (2023)
- (2021)
- (2023)
- (2023)
- (2023)
- (2016)
- (2016)
- (2023)
- (2022)
- (2021)
- (2017)
- (2023)
- (2023)
- (2021)
- (2022)
- (2022)
- (2022)
- (2022)
- (2022)
- (2022)
- (2022)
- (2022)
- (2022)
- (2022)
- (2022)
- (2022)
- (2023)
- (2021)
- (2021)
- (2022)
- (2023)
- (2022)
- (2022)
- (2023)
- (2023)
- (2022)
- (2023)
- (2023)
- (2023)
- (2023)
- (2023)
- (2023)
- (2023)
- (2023)
- (2023)
- (2023)
- (2023)
- (2023)
- (2022)
- (2022)
- (2022)
- (2022)
- (2023)
- (2021)
- (2021)
- (2021)
- (2021)
- (2020)
- (2014)
- (2023)
- (2022)
- (2022)
- (2023)
- (2023)
- (2023)
- (2023)
- Political regimeRegimes of the World(2023)
- Political regimeRegimes of the World, including ambiguous regimes(2023)
- Political regimeFreedom House, free countries(2023)
- Political regimeFreedom House, electoral democracies(2023)
- (2023)
- Political regimeEpisodes of Regime Transformation(2023)
- Political regimeEpisodes of Regime Transformation, within regimes(2023)
- Political rights ratingFreedom House(2023)
- Political rights scoreFreedom House(2023)
- Populationsince 10,000 BCE(2023)
- (2023)
- (2024)
- (2020)
- (2022)
- (2020)
- (2022)
- (2022)
- Press freedomFreedom House(2016)
- Press freedom indexReporters Sans Frontieres(2021)
- (2023)
- (2023)
- (2023)
- (2023)
- (2023)
- (2023)
- (2023)
- (2023)
- (2023)
- (2021)
- (2019)
- (2020)
- (2022)
- (2017)
- (2022)
- (2022)
- (2022)
- (2022)
- (2016)
- (2023)
- (2022)
- (2019)
- (2022)
- (2022)
- (2022)
- (2023)
- (2023)
- (2023)
- (2023)
- (2023)
- (2023)
- Reported maternal mortality rateWHO Mortality Database, age-standardized(2017)
- (2023)
- Reported suicide ratesWHO Mortality Database(2017)
- (2021)
- (2021)
- (2023)
- Respiratory infection death rateWHO Mortality Database, age-standardized(2017)
- (2016)
- (2022)
- (2022)
- (2023)
- Rule of law indexV-Dem(2023)
- (2023)
- (2021)
- (2021)
- (2023)
- (2021)
- (2023)
- (2023)
- (2020)
- (2022)
- (2022)
- (2021)
- (2022)
- (2022)
- (2023)
- (2021)
- (2020)
- (2021)
- (2021)
- (2021)
- (2018)
- (2022)
- Share of deaths from homicideWHO Mortality Database(2017)
- (2021)
- (2019)
- (2023)
- (2022)
- (2022)
- (2022)
- (2023)
- (2023)
- (2022)
- (2023)
- (2023)
- (2023)
- (2023)
- (2023)
- (2020)
- (2022)
- (2022)
- (2021)
- (2022)
- (2022)
- (2022)
- (2022)
- (2022)
- (2022)
- (2022)
- (2022)
- (2022)
- (2022)
- (2022)
- (2014)
- (2022)
- (2015)
- (2021)
- (2022)
- (2019)
- (2022)
- (2019)
- (2022)
- (2021)
- (2015)
- (2021)
- (2021)
- (2022)
- (2021)
- (2022)
- (2022)
- (2020)
- (2020)
- (2021)
- (2018)
- (2015)
- (2022)
- (2021)
- (2022)
- (2022)
- (2022)
- (2024)
- (2022)
- Share of people who say they are happyFirst & last waves(2014)
- (2022)
- (2022)
- (2017)
- (2017)
- (2022)
- (2020)
- (2023)
- (2023)
- (2023)
- (2023)
- (2023)
- (2023)
- (2023)
- (2023)
- (2023)
- (2023)
- (2023)
- (2023)
- (2022)
- (2022)
- (2022)
- (2022)
- (2015)
- (2015)
- (2015)
- (2021)
- (2022)
- (2021)
- (2021)
- (2022)
- (2022)
- (2022)
- (2022)
- (2019)
- (2022)
- Share of the population living in urban areasUN and HYDE projections(2024)
- (2023)
- (2022)
- (2022)
- (2022)
- (2021)
- (2020)
- (2022)
- (2022)
- (2022)
- (2017)
- (2021)
- (2017)
- (2020)
- (2022)
- (2022)
- (2022)
- (2022)
- (2022)
- (2021)
- (2023)
- (2017)
- (2017)
- (2018)
- (2020)
- (2022)
- (2019)
- (2019)
- (2019)
- (2019)
- (2019)
- (2019)
- (2024)
- (2022)
- (2020)
- (2020)
- (2022)
- (2023)
- (2023)
- (2018)
- (2017)
- (2023)
- (2023)
- (2022)
- (2020)
- Tax revenues as a share of GDPUNU-WIDER(2020)
- (2020)
- (2020)
- (2021)
- (2021)
- (2023)
- (2018)
- (2019)
- (2022)
- (2022)
- (2021)
- (2014)
- (2019)
- (2022)
- (2021)
- (2022)
- (2014)
- (2020)
- (2021)
- (2022)
- (2022)
- Transparent lawsRegimes of the World(2023)
- (2023)
- (2022)
- (2022)
- (2022)
- (2022)
- Tuberculosis deathsWHO 2023(2022)
- (2021)
- (2021)
- (2021)
- (2024)
- (2022)
- (2022)
- (2021)
- (2023)
- (2015)
- (2022)
- (2022)
- (2022)
- (2014)
- (2021)
- (2021)
- (2016)
- (2022)
- (2022)
- (2013)
- (2018)
- (2023)
- (2023)
- (2023)
- (2023)
- (2023)
- (2023)
- World population growthSince 1700(2024)
- (2022)
- (2023)